You're back. Are you prepared? The past is about to catch-up with you.
You, the hired gun with a sense of loyalty, the assassin with a sense of justice. And faith? What of faith? Trust in God, but carry a loaded gun. Bind yourself with mastery of weapons, and thoroughness of groundwork. Know when to hold your fire, when to just kill time, and when to strike. Track down those that force you out of retirement. Seep through the deep fractures of the world. Flow through the quarters of sin, crime, greed and dishonor. Be certain 47, in such places your enemies will hide at first, until the only safe place, is behind you.
You watch your back, number 47.
System Configuration
The system configuration utility can be launched from within the Hitman 2 group on the Windows Start menu. This utility is used to configure Hitman 2 to take advantage of your GFX hardware as best as possible.
The following options are available:
Resolution: Allows the selection of the desired resolution and those supported by the installed GFX Hardware.
Blood: Enable or Disable blood within the game
Graphics: Allows you to switch the Hardware Transform and lighting option (if your graphics card supports this option) on or off, as well as giving you the option of playing the game in windowed mode instead of the default full screen mode.
Save and Launch: All changes will be stored and the game will be launched.
Menu controls
On all menu screens you make a selection by moving the mouse cursor over the menu option you wish to choose then click the left mouse button to confirm your selection. Alternatively use the arrow (cursor) keys to highlight the menu option you wish to choose then press the ENTER key to confirm the selection. Note if there are more menu options than those visible on the screen, use the up and down buttons to scroll the menu up or down. If you wish to cancel and return to the previous menu then click on the BACK button or press the ESC key.
Choose Difficulty
This menu allows you to select the difficulty level. You can choose easy (recommended for beginners), normal, or hard (for more advanced players).
In-game display
1) The health bar shows Hitman's current health: as he sustains damage and injuries the bar begins to shrink. If the bar dips below 25% capacity it turns red to alert you to Hitman's predicament.
2) The threat meter is displayed in the top left of your screen, under the health bar, and gives an indication of the danger Hitman faces. The faster the threat meter pulses, the higher the danger level. The meter can be a very useful tool, and if monitored, can alert you to potential problems such as a failed disguise.
3) Available actions. This is a context sensitive list of choices: it depends on your location, the proximity of objects such as doors, dead bodies, etc. and the currently selected item. If there is only one choice on the list press the ACTION button to perform it. If there are two or more choices then hold down the ACTION button, use the NEXT ACTION or PREVIOUS ACTION buttons to highlight the one you want then release the ACTION button to perform it.
4) Current weapon or item of equipment - if the currently selected item is holstered (i.e.
Hitman's hands are free) then the display here is blank.
5) Ammo remaining in the current clip of the selected weapon.
6) Spare ammo available for the selected weapon.
7) Crosshairs show exactly where Hitman is aiming. The size of the crosshairs indicates the accuracy of any shots fired - the larger the crosshairs the wider the grouping of any shots fired. Note, while certain guns are inherently more accurate, there are other factors that have a bearing on accuracy. Sustained bursts of fire, and shooting while moving both have an adverse effect; but standing still, and taking time to aim and squeeze off a short burst will improve the ratio of shots on target.
8) Information, useful information is displayed here, including warnings.
Movement controls
Move forward -W
Move backward -S
Sidestep left -A
Sidestep right -D
Lean left -Z
Lean Right -C
Run modifier -SHIFT
Crouch modifier -CTRL
Sneak -SPACE
Weapon and inventory controls
Function Default Control
Fire current weapon / use current item -Left mouse button
Close-combat weapon(s) - keep tapping to cycle through available choices -1
Pistol(s) - keep tapping to cycle through available choices -2
SMG(s) - keep tapping to cycle through available choices -3
Rifle(s) - keep tapping to cycle through available choices -4
Binoculars -5
Holster (or draw) current weapon switch - press once to holster the current weapon; press a second time to draw the weapon again.
(note: Rifles will be dropped) -Q
Reload current weapon. -R
Inventory - brings up a list of the currently
held weapons and items. -T or Right Mouse Button.
Drop current weapon or item -G
Map -M
Perform action (e.g. pick up item, open door, throw switch etc). -E
Next action -Mouse wheel up
Previous action -Mouse wheel down
Note, if more than one action is available in a given situation then hold down and use the next and previous action controls to cycle through the choices; click the left mouse button to activate your selection.
Camera controls
First person view (Press again to return to third person view.) -F1
Zoom in -Mouse Wheel Up
Zoom out -Mouse Wheel Down
Note. In the third person view zoom in and zoom out affect the distance between Hitman and the camera.
Sound Options: Here you can reconfigure the sound settings.
Music: Adjust the slider to control the volume of the music.
Speech: Adjust the slider to control the volume of the spoken dialogue.
Effects: Adjust the slider to control the volume of the in-game sound effects.
3D Sound Renderer: Either Directsound or Open AL
EAX: Enable EAX 3D sound
Number of voices: Sets the maximum number of voices played at one time.
Graphics Options: These options allow you to reconfigure the display settings for optimum performance with your graphics card.
Texture Resolution: Drag the slider to increase the texture quality.
Texture Filter: Either Bilinear (fastest) trilinear (slower) or Anisotropic (slowest).
Draw Distance: Drag the slider right to increase the visible distance.
Object Detail: Drag the slider right to increase the level of detail on objects.
Shadows: Enable or Disable character shadows.
Weather Effects: Enable or Disable weather effects.
Anti-aliasing: Enable or Disable FSAA.
DXT Compression: Enable or Disable texture compression.
Subtitles: Allows the selection of in-game subtitles.
Hints and Tips
ò There are numerous different ways to complete a mission. If your plan isn't working try a new approach.
ò It is ALWAYS possible to make the hit without collateral damage. Maximize your reward by using stealth and resorting only to non-lethal weaponry.
ò Use disguises and costume changes to throw off your pursuers and gain access to otherwise inaccessible areas.
ò Bullets will pass through most doors and nearly all windows.
ò Pay attention to sound. An audible heartbeat and heavy breathing is a sign of danger, the enemy might just be getting suspicious.
ò It's possible to disarm guards by shooting the weapons from their hands. If you're trying to perform a clean operation then remember this very useful tactic.
ò By being cautious and using the 'look through keyhole' feature you can ensure a safe passage through rooms.
This Demo is provided 'as is' and is not supported by Eidos Interactive Customer Support.
For more information about Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, visit the Official website at: